Shane Tidmore Ceramics

Author Archive: denalilama

December 2016 Firing

Shane and Joe fired the kiln for five days with the help of a few friends over the break between Christmas and New Years.  The weather was nice and unseasonably warm.  The kiln was burning hot and spitting fire.

June 2016 Firing

The kiln was fired the last weekend of June.  Jeff Dragonetti and a group of students fired up the kiln and burned many large piles of wood over a four day period.  Everything went smoothly and they are waiting for everything to cool down before unloading.

Kiln Repairs

The tree that fell on the kiln was painstakingly removed from the kiln roof.  Then the mangled roof was removed bit by bit.  After the cleanup, a new roof was installed over the kiln and then the chimney bricks we re-stacked.  A lot of work and sweat went into the repairs, but the kiln is fixed and ready to burn.

Tornado Hits Kiln

High winds or a tornado hit the forest and a very large tree fell on kiln and roof.  Luckily the roof protected most of the kiln, but unfortunately the roof is badly damaged.  There is still a large amount of cleanup that needs to be done before rebuilding can begin.  The tree has been removed, so the next step is removing the mangled roof.  One step at a time.  More information will be posted as soon as information is available.

Kiln Firing starting around May 30, 2016


Shane's Anagama Kiln located near the Sam Houston National Forest outside of Cleveland, Texas

Shane’s Anagama Kiln located near the Sam Houston National Forest outside of Cleveland, Texas

Start collecting wood.  The anagama kiln is scheduled to be fired again beginning sometime around May 20.  Contact Shane if you are interested in joining in on the fun..